Emergency Eye Care Can Save Your Sight at Your Mooresville Optometrist
At Mills Eye Care in Mooresville, we treat patients of all ages who come in for various reasons ranging from a routine yearly exam to cataract surgery. If you have an eye emergency during our office hours be sure to call and see if you should come in for an urgent appointment. If you are unsure, or cannot get ahold of us, contact your local Mooresville emergency room and call us afterwards. Remember, responding correctly in an eye emergency can save your sight.
What Constitutes As An Eye Care Emergency?
Sometimes it can be hard to even recognize an eye emergency because of certain injuries, such as a detached retina from a harsh blow. This may only be observed with a doctor’s tool, yet they can be detrimental to your health and sight. As a general rule, if you have received a head or eye blunt trauma, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment to check out any damages you might have sustained. If you actually have an eye damage symptom after the trauma, do not delay.
If there is a foreign object in the eye, contact our optometry care for an appointment if typical eye rinsing does not remove the small foreign body. If you have a large object in your eye, call us immediately. Go to the emergency room if it is after our hours. Remember when in doubt, have a professional check it out.
What Are The First Steps to Take in an Eye Emergency?
First, don’t panic even if things seem dire or scary, staying calm can save your sight and life. Second, if there is an object in the eye, do not pull it out. It may require delicate surgical precision to remove the object without further damage. Third, call your Mooresville optometrist for further care instructions. We may need to see you, or we may be able to guide you on the phone. Be sure to get professional care to preserve your vision, either at an emergency room or in our optometry care.
Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment or to Discuss Your Eye Care Emergency
If you have an eye emergency, don’t hesitate to call us right away. We want to make sure your eye injury does not harm your vision. We serve Mooresville and the surrounding area with quality optometry services. If you are looking for an optometrist call Mills Eye Care at (704) 664-9121.